- Ace-Federal Reporters
- Art Miller and Associates
- Blankingship & Keith
- Court Reporters, Etc.
- Digital Evidence Group
- Esquire Deposition Services
- Feder Reporting Co.
- For The Record
- Henderson Legal Services
- HG Litigation Services
- MAR Reporting
- Naegeli Reporting Company
- Neal R. Gross Court Reporting Company
- New View Video Services
- Saul Ewing
“The staff at Laughlin Legal Media has provided
outstanding videography support for our broad
based line of clientele over the past several years.
Recognizing the critical nature of our business,
LLM takes great pride in our personal attention,
providing 24 hour access and quality products,
offering the latest technology, while maintaining
competitive rates.”
- Karen Guy, Scheduling Liaison for The Record Court Reporters